B Corp impact report 2022
It‘s been almost a year since we attained our B Corp certification. We actually set out on this journey back in 2020, the aim was to find out what we could do to become a better business. The whole process has taught me that running an ethical and sustainable business means much more than you might imagine. It took us the best part of a year to implement changes before we successfully completed the B Impact Assessment. Another year later and we are a different business, because life changes, and we need to adapt to keep moving forwards.
At The Food Brand Guys, success means shaping a business that works for everyone. In a year when remote working became the norm for many of us, our business has made some quite dramatic changes as a result. The world of work has changed, along with client’s expectations. In 2021 we made the decision to close our permanent office and move to a coworking space, adjusting our way of working for greater flexibility. Now we are even more passionate about bringing people back to what‘s important in life, through work styles that work for them.
In this report, we highlight some of the changes we’ve made to our business that helped us to achieve B Corp status. This is just the beginning, but it gives us a solid starting point from which to measure, guide and improve.
How can you get involved?
Whilst B Corp is not the only way to demonstrate your attitude to purpose, it’s a great feeling to become part of a global network of people who care about more than profit. There are some great resources available to help you get started, and some inspirational brands leading the way: Patagonia, CaféDirect, COOK, Ella’s Kitchen, The Body Shop, The Cheeky Panda, Toast Ale… and The Food Brand Guys 👋🏻😁
You can download our impact report by clicking the button below. Do get in touch if you would like to discuss your B Corp journey, I’ll see if I can help.
Paul Ringsell, Director